Wednesday 25 April 2018

Hanging out with the lads.

Sydney now in the body of a 25 year old woman was playing poker with his friends and losing as always his change of gender did nothing to help his game.

Out of chips and munny his friends had let him gamble with his clothing.

He got up from the table and pulled off the only remaining piece of clothing his panties.

He through them on the table and headed off to the fridge for another beer.

Bending over to get himself another beer from the bottom of the fridge he asked his friends was there anything he could get them.

Which all in unison replied a piece of your fine ass will do which made him go red at first but then he decided as he walked back over to the table maybe for the next round he would stay naked and see if that improved his game.

Which it certainly did as they were too busy focusing on his pair to pay any attention to their own cards.

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