Wednesday, 13 December 2017

All for the girl he loves

Thomas never wanted to be a woman.

He was happy being a man but when the woman he loved broke down in front of him and told him that she could not hide her true self anymore & confessed to him that she was gay.

Even though he was devastated by the news he could not see himself living without her in his life.

So he went to the swap institute & traded his body gender and sexual orientation with a young woman who wanted to be a man but still interested in women.

Jessica was surprised after so many weeks without hearing from her ex boyfriend after she told him she was gay.

But she still liked him and was glad that he had gotten back in touch and wanted to see her.

So she could not believe as she sat waiting for him in the restaurant attached to the Mondrian Hotel the gorgeous woman who sat down at her table and introduced herself as Thomas.

He told her what he had done and why he had done it.

Which maed her fall in love with him all over again.

She suggested heading back to her place so she could get better acquainted with her new and improved lover.

But they did not even make it out of the hotel as she just ripped his clothes off on the stairwell and fingered him there.

Which might have gotten them both arrested for indecent exposure but at least it had rekindle the flames of love between them both and started their relationship down a whole new path.

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