Jacob ignored the instructions on the bottle of Jock to Nerd he bought online which guarantee to turn the strongest of men for 6 hours into the nerdiest of boys & just emptied the entire bottle into his super soaker.
He waited to his neighbour Jack the lad who had been bullying him since 4th grade and the rest of his bullying group were enjoying the pool on a hot day.
He emptied his super soaker full of Jock to Nerd all over them which did not go down well as they threatened to come round and beat the crap out of him which brought Jake's hot stepmother out to see what was going on.
She slipped and fell into the pool with an almighty splash which must have affected the solution which was designed only to work on male DNA and within the blink of an eye the six lads became six beautiful gorgeous women and even Jake's stepmother was not immune to its effects as she became like the rest of them sexually charged bimbos.
Jacob surmised her DNA must of affected the solution and used her DNA and personality as a template.
He stood there watching them fully erect frolicking and enjoying themselves desperately wanting to go and join them but knowing if he did he would probably turn into one of them.
He was unaware at that point in time that they had received a massive overdose of the solution effectively leaving them all trapped like that for the rest of their lives which did not go down well with the lads parents.
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