Sunday 30 June 2024

Selena Gomez requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef Zápotocky did not know how Selena Gomez had picked him and he did not care.

He was now inside her gorgeous female body and she was inside his nerdy male body.

Joseph listened to her explain her decision.

She had always wanted to be a man.

She had never liked being a woman.

She did not like pretty dresses and makeup.

She did not like having hundreds of men ogling her.

She had only embraced her femininity to make money and a career.

She never thought she would find a way out of her body and life.

But thanks to a bit of Cajun black magic she was given this opportunity.

The magic spell picked the person best suited to swap with her.

Somebody who wanted to be her.

Somebody who would enjoy her life and her body.

Somebody who would bake the most out of this opportunity.

She had given him enough of her memories to live her life and to continue her career.

She told him that she had emptied most of her bank account and cashed most of her investments.

She told him he would have to work for the next year or two to keep his head above water.

She told him her body career and life were now his and he could do with whatever he wanted.

All Josef could think about doing quite this incident was stripping off what she was wearing and getting her goodies look at her goodies that were now his.

She left him to get more comfortable and familiar with her body.

She hoped he would make the most out of it.

The minute she was out with the room and Josef exploring what was now between his legs.

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