Tuesday 11 May 2021

Strange punishment.

The justice system of the late 2064 had to come up with a new way of punishing hardened criminals.

Incarcerating them in prison was cotton a lot of money and people were calling for the death penalty for  people who could not be reformed.

The world government wanted to come up with a more humane solution.

One scientist believed he had the solution which would keep everybody happy except for the criminals.

He built a machine that would pull the consciousness of the criminal out of their body and back in time to a period where they could not cause any trouble.

It was presumed that the consciousness would just float around as a body less entity.

Scott was one of the first criminals to be tried under the new legislation.

The court sentenced his consciousness to be sent back in time to the Stone Age.

The essence of what was he was ripped out of his body and sent through the ether.

From the minute he entered the machine and the switch was pulled he found himself in a strange avoid.

He was no longer part of the fabric of the universe. 
he was now a nonentity.

Then all of a sudden he found himself looking through eyes that were not his.

He found himself standing in a cave.

Instead of just being a ball of energy like the scientist thought he found himself in somebody else's body.


  1. The justice system of the late 21th century, about 2064 by old calendar, by the new calendar it was ruffle year 12. Most still used it, some used both. There is a United World Government.
    Many weren't sure of the United World Government, it been a dozen years began. And many were not asked , but it seem to work, the there were hundreds of nations, and a three or four Super Powers. Now the Nation were join together into a much larger nations or state nations.
    But where were many who, didn't want this new Government they believe that it not work. But it did. But the justice system as is, does not work. So they needed another way.
    So the scientist came with a idea. To send them into a place which they can't leave.
    So a man called Scott, was given several choices, he choice the portal. Which he some knowledge of it.
    It was believe as Time Machine, well as it was believed as. Scott knew it was a portal some kind. But what he knew it work, but were was no way, to tell, so on the day he was to enter the portal. He said he will find away to return but.
    He entered the portal as entered it. He felt himself like , he was pulled apart, it was like he was there , but not there. Was it few seconds or few hours .
    He didn't know, then his vision cleared. It was odd he could feel again, it wasn't like he was a non-entity a being of essence. But a living being, he try speak a word he could. But the words sounded different almost feminine.
    He need to find something to see, his imagine to see if he okay.
    But what he saw, was a imagine of young woman. A woman who looked strangely familiar.
    No, no , its. its me me . I'm , I'm a girl. I'm a girl. But why am I wearing furs and leather like someone like a primitive.
    He looked at the stars at night they were the same, no, no I'm not in the past. I'm in a alter world another world , another Earth , which hasn't developed beyond the early iron age.
    So he err she a Iron age girl. At first it was shock , but now she probably kick start a new started. Maybe within a few years she start the first city and the begin civilization.

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