Wednesday 12 May 2021

Father-daughter holidays

Rebecca who was now in the body of a 16-year old boy was doing her best to listen to what her father Alan who was now in the body of a busty 35-year old woman was telling.

But she found it very difficult to focus on his word seeing the view she had right in front of her which was causing strange things to happen between her legs.


  1. Rebecca who was a girl, what does that mean , a day or so. Rebecca was a girl, somehow, someway she is a about 16 year old boy now. Was a surprise even a shock. Her father, what happen was the same thing. Well not exactly, he was in a body of 35 year old women.

    What alone was strange, she err he was trying listening to her father, to the woman he is now. There things that were odd to her, she was looking at her fathers breasts. What equally odd was the strange sensation her legs, that feeling, which were strangely familiar but different, she felt a odd stirring between her legs.
    She couldn't believe it she getting excited, excited of girl, a girl, she wasn't gay. But she realized that. That she isn't a she now. That is are these feeling biologically, sexually in nature or is it that she's a boy now, that she has boy feeling, boy desires. But what he was saying is like gibberish to her. But those feeling are more important to her.
