Saturday 1 May 2021

Shorts maybe next time. By Rhodry

Andrew was professional tennis player. He was so good that. He could still beat you as a girl in dress, sorta tennis dress. While your in shorts and still beat them.

Well this female tennis player was so probably just was good was Andrew. 

But she was a best witch and took it as challenge. 

So it was done the next match. Andrew appear as a women in a tennis dress.

He said as masculine as he could, What heck is this.

Well you challenge me, you could, she said.

I, I didn't think you could or if its probably that it could happen. So you proved that you can do it.

No, she said.

What do you mean no, he said.

You made a bet, that you could beat anyone as a girl, in a girl. So here's your changes.

So what do you want, he asked.

Well we play three matches, and if you win or return back to being you.
If you win what do you get.

Okay, if I win you will stay a girl and play as one said for a period a month or so. And say you want to try again and lose you add another to being a girl. Plus you get some knowledge as a girl.

Okay I'll do it.
As match started, he felt awkward, yes, could play, but every time he moved as his did. He played like a guy in a dress , sorta. He didn't know how play as a girl. Which cause a problem. Like his dress flew at times, which exposed his new feminine underwear. Which should of wore tennis panties so if it did happen. It would exposed him. he got win, But it seem that, the more he plays like this the worse it could be for him.

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