Thursday 24 January 2019

Working hard at the gym Part 1: Requested by Cal Narri

In order to keep her body in shape Dove Cameron had to spend hours at the gym which she found extremely boring so she decided to hire a body swap body trainer.

She was a little taken aback when she was assigned a male body swap trailer she did not feel comfortable letting a man have control of her body but she had no choice as that was all that was available at the moment.

He would spend 3 hours every day in her body at the gym working out keeping her body in shape she sat in the gym's cafe reading scripts and catching up on her correspondence.


  1. Hello, I really enjoy your blog and recently started one of my own. I was hoping that you'd check it out and, if you like it, you'd add it to your "Stuff You Might Like to Check Out" section. Thanks and keep up the great work!

    1. Hi Erica It's good to see a new blogger to the blogging world.
      I've had a good look through your site and you've got some good stories on there.
      I have added you to my Stuff You Might Like to Check Out section and I should also be on your followers list.

      keep up the good work.

      Alan Greenman (AG)
      Also don't forget to check out my second sight where I dump everything I don't want on my main page.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi I hope it was to your liking and if you would like me to do anything else and just let me know. AG
