Thursday 24 January 2019

Working hard at the gym Part 2: Requested by Cal Narri

At first everything was professional but as the week's went by Dove started noticing that she did not want to give Paul the fitness trainer his body back at the end of the workout session.

That's not to say she wanted to be him she just wanted to find out what it was like to be a man outside the gym.

She begged her Paul to let her keep his body for the weekend.

Even though it was against gym policy Paul agree as he was curious what it would be like to be her outside the gym.

So Paul agreed to spend the weekend in her body on one condition.

They spent it together so she could not accuse him of doing anything to her body afterwards.

They were nervous at first spending an entire weekend with each other in each others bodies alone.

But by Sunday they had both started to relax so much so that they ended up in bed together.

Which led them both to starting a relationship where every weekend they would trade places which kept their relationship fresh and interesting in and out of the bedroom.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Cal got a little bit of writers block the other day so I thought I would finish it off in a second part when my brain was working again.

