Thursday 6 September 2018

Was that good for you?

Downtrodden, depressed & tired of all the unwanted attention her boss Mr Richards gave her personal assistant Sarah decided it might be nice to show him what it was like to be her.

She slipped a magic potion into her and his coffee which allowed her to swap their bodies after they both had consumed it.

she told Mr Richards whilst feeling up her own body you be a good boy & do everything I tell you to do when I tell you to do it and I might just give you your body back.

Mr Richard stared down at her in his body feeling extremely uncomfortable by how turned on he was getting as she stroked his leg & said to her:

You cannot do this to me!
I don't want to be a woman!
I don't want to be you & can you stop doing that you're making me feel very uncomfortable!

Sarah noticing for the first time how hard she was getting in his body said to him just for that sign of defiance I want you to deal with whats rising in my trousers.

Mr Richard refused to do any such thing even though he was incredibly turned on in her body.

She just reminded him that she was the man now and his boss and there was a lot of worse things she could make him do now.

So he had no choice but with shaking hands undo his trousers and pull out his own cock which looked twice as big in her small delicate hands.

Sarah looked at him staring at it and said what are you waiting for just open wide and starts sucking it!

Its very easy to do and I am sure you will get the hang of it very quickly.

Mr Richard feeling extremely horny could not believe he was doing it as he opened wide and started licking the end of his own cock.

Which made his nipples hard & the pussy between his legs flow like niagara falls as he started deepthroating it.

Sarah was so impressed with the effort he was putting into it she gave him permission to take out her breasts and play with them whilst he sucked her off until she emptied her load all over his face.

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