Wednesday 26 July 2017

Cheating death and keeping hold the reins.

Darren could not believe what he was hearing as he sat at the head of the boardroom table listening to the other members.

He could not believe they were talking about him like he was not even there.

He could not believe the rest of the board wanted to vote him out just because of his new gender.

He tried to address the board meeting to say something in his own defence but was spoken to like he did not know what was going on.

Which really pissed him off.

Not raising his voice he just looked at the group of old men and said don't talk to me like I'm an idiot.

I might be a woman but that does not mean I'm not intelligent and I do not understand what's going on.

Beneath this beautiful veneer is the same old man who brought this company up from nothing to where it is now and if you gentlemen have forgotten I am the majority shareholder.

So if you have any problems with a woman running the company now you can clear out your offices and piss off you bunch of old farts.

Before leaning back in his chair and smiling at them letting them know he was still in charge and would be for the next 50 years or even longer if he decided to get a new body again.

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