Sunday 23 June 2024

Inside two requested by Anonymous 23.06.24

Danny, you used to be one of these weirdos who built strange machines in his basement.

Then one day while setting down his latest adventure a teleportation device was wrong.

The machine exploded and his consciousness was split into two.

One half of his consciousness was sent into his next full neighbour's body a beautiful 30-year-old woman and the other half was sent into the body of his first-dropping boyfriend with whom she was making love at the time of the explosion.

It was strange feeling his penis going into a vagina and feeling his penis inside the vagina.

It was odd making love and feeling it from both angles.

He found afterwards that he could flit from one consciousness to the other.

He could take full control of one body while it went on autopilot.

He found he preferred it inside the female body then the male body.

It was more hormonal and sexually charged and after sex a lot more focused.

After some research, he worked out there was only one way of getting his consciousness back together in one body.

He would have to send it into a baby's untampered mind.

He built a special device that would send both parts of his consulate from the man's and woman's bodies into the babies once he was born.

They would regain control of their bodies and find themselves mother and father to a beautiful baby we've only snippets of memories of how they ended up with it 

The first time, a new home and bodies

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