Sunday 23 June 2024

I knew it wasn't your requested by Anonymous 23.06.24

30-year-old Melissa was nobody really special.

She was a happily married woman with two children and a husband who loved her.

One day she went off to the shops and disappeared for three weeks.

When she turned up she and no memory of who she was or what her life was.

After leaving the hospital two days after returning she went back home to her family.

But her husband could not help noticing she had changed quite a bit.

At first, he put a lot of it down to her amnesia.

But amnesia could not explain everything.

Like the mysterious phone calls.

Like mysterious trips away.

Like the mysterious people calling at the house or hours.

Like the mysterious work, she seemed to always be doing on her laptop.

One day here added out with her and wanted to know who she was and what was going on.

He was taken about when Melissa said I knew I could not fool you forever.

This is your wife's body but not her mind inside it.

I am a scientist and I needed a new body and new life.

Your wife just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She is still in here with me but I am the controlling force.

Her body is not exactly to my liking.

I don't like being a woman.

I don't like being married to a man and having two horrible children to take care of.

I was hoping to get in and out before anybody had anybody.

But there have been some complications with my machinery.

So I am stuck in here and you are stuck with me.

There is no point kicking off and trying to demand that I give his wife her body back.

There is no point in threatening me with the police and the authorities.

Nobody would believe your story anyway.

I have been in here longing to learn everything I would need to know to be her.

So if I was you I would keep your mouth shut and continue pretending we are a happily married couple.

It would be horrible if I had to silence you and your children.

So why don't you go and watch the TV with a beer whilst I  go and cook dinner and play housewife?

As soon as my equipment is open working I will be out of here and you will have your wife back and if you are really a good boy I might let you do what we did in that church park the day I came back tonight but in bed?

I cannot believe I let you do that.

I should have known it wasn't you in there.

I should have known she would never have been that perverted.

Especially to do within their children's play park outside a church.


  1. A loving mom, show was a perv shapeshifter in disguise.

    1. She's not who she seems to be requested by Anonymous 28.07.24
