Sunday 16 June 2024

Granting wishes of requested by Anonymous 16.06.24

18-year-old Michael was doing house clearances over the summer break to earn a bit of money.

In one of the houses, he came across an extreme-looking oil lamp.

The inscription on the side of the lamp warmed whoever held it to be certain of what they wanted before wishing for it.

Thinking it might be worth some money he brought it home.

He was going to sit on eBay so he decided to clean it up first.

He sprayed furniture polish on it and started vigorously rubbing it.

Suddenly the room was filled with pink sweets smelling smoke and a tiny old man stood in front of him.

The old money introduced himself as the Gene of land.

He said he would grant him three wishes but there was a price.

Surprised and slightly abandoned by the genie's appearance, he asked in a quivering voice what is the price?

The Genie said I have been trapped in this lump for over 3,000 years and it is time for a new body.

My spirit refused with somebody of your choosing.

They will be me and I will be them.

Michael fought for a moment and agreed to the bargain.

He wished for money success and an easier life.

He shook his head and all three wishes were granted within an instant.

Genie looked at him and said now for your part of the bargain who do you give us payment.

Michael did not need to think.

He would immediately who he would select his pavement.

He's a 42-year-old divorced mother who was still recovering from cancer.

Within an instant, the Genie and his mother became one.

He looked at the Genie hue now looked like his mother.

He said with a smile on his face I think you need to update your wardrobe.

The Genie blinked twice and his clothes changed to match the time. And the body he was in.

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