Thursday 11 April 2024

You see the company still seizure as a man even though you are knowing woman.

22-year-old Anthony was hoping Margaret from HR had some good news for him this morning.

He was hoping that she had sorted out his medical insurance to cover his unforeseen gender change and pregnancy.

Margaret had managed to get the complete to accept he was now a woman and was entitled to the female benefits like maternity leave but she was still having difficulty getting into companies medical plan to cover the large expense of childbirth for somebody who was evicted of the great shift.

Anthony was getting sick and tired of all his back and forward he could barely keep up with the bills and all the extra things he had to buy for the baby that was rapidly growing inside of him and in just a few short weeks would be there.

Margaret told him not to worry and said that she would get things sorted not sure that she would be able to which he knew stress was not good pregnant woman.

Anthony went back to his desk none the Wiser feeling sick exhausted and under the weather.

Four weeks later he's water broke and he went into labour.

He left the hospital three days later with a baby in his arms and a $45,000 medical bill for his hospital stay.

He had no idea how he was going to pay such a large bill for something that was not even his fault. 

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