Saturday 13 April 2024

You are telling me you had one wish!

Jason stood there feeling cold due to the fact he was wearing nothing but underwear.

He said to his friend John you've got to be kidding me.

You find a magic wishing coin and this is what you wish for.

You could have had money and power.

But instead, you turn me into a copy of Emma Watson.

What do you mean you did not just wish for me to look like you wished for me to be obedient and sexually attracted to you?

Now you're going to have to use your second wish to turn me back!

What do you mean there was only one wish?

What do you mean the coin has disappeared?

Why are you pulling your pants down?

Why am I getting to my knees?

Why can I not resist that cock of yours?

Why do I want to suck it so badly?

Why can't I not resist this?


  1. I'd love to be in her place, such a beautiful body. Well, if not in her skin, at least in her panties!

  2. It happen barely five or 10 minutes ago, now I'm standing there now, nothing but my underwear, female lingerie actually , and I was a girl. When I realize this, I told him, John you got to be kidding me. You find a magic wish coin, and this is what you wish for. You could wish for money or power or something else. But you turned me into a copy of Emma Watson. what you mean you didn't want to look like her. But to be sexually attracted and obedient to you. Well you have to use your second wish. To returned back to my normal self. What do you mean sorry you had one wish. So give me the coin so I can return to do normal. What you mean it disappeared. What, what are doing now, why are you pulling you down. When John told me to knee , which I did, then I was told to give him a BJ's , which I didn't want to want, but I did. I wanted to resist by I can't. I even started to enjoy it. I don't know why, was only been a girl barely and hour, and i was starting to enjoy the taste to like it. And the day hasn't ended, so will I lose it. And embrace it, and lose myself and become a girl. but now knows by life will be that is another story.
