Sunday 14 April 2024

Something not quite right with mother Requested by Anonymous 14.04.24


Jeremy was shocked and horrified when his teacher at school told him his mother had been involved in an accident.

She had a nasty note to the head which had caused her to have when memory loss.

That's why Jeremy did not think anything was odd about his mother until it was too late.

He did not think he was strange and did not remember his name.

He did not find it strange that she found everyday tasks she had done for years how to do.

He did not find it strange that she started talking differently and acting differently.

He like everybody else put it down to the knock on her head.

But then she started doing things that could not be explained away that easily.

She started smoking drinking and watching the Wrestling.

In some ways, she was acting more like a man.

She started wearing inappropriate clothing.

She started masturbating whenever she wanted even in front of him.

She started bringing strange men home for sex.

She was starting to get her reputation around a town.

He decided to confront her.

He demanded to know what was going on.

He was shocked and horrified when his mother just turned around to him and told him to fuck off.

He could get nobody to listen to him.

If only he knew would the person who was pretending to be his mother was a dirty old man who had taken her identity after finding her lifeless body by the side of the road things might have made a little bit more sense.

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