Saturday 21 October 2023

Why am I liking this?

Jeremy on his way home from work felt like he was being followed.

Suddenly from behind he was grabbed.

A needle was put in his neck and that was the last thing he knew before he woke strapped to a table in a dirty basement.

A men in a hospital gown and mask told him that he was helping him out with his research.

He told him he was working on transferring the human conscious from one body to the other.

He told him he had two choices.

There was overweight man on one table and a beautiful young woman on the other.

He told him that these two were dead and were being kept alive by machinery.

He told him I will put your brain into one of their bodies and you must live their life and take on their identity.

Jeremy did not want to choose but he had no choice he did not want to be an old man so he chose the body of the young woman.

That was the last thing he remembered unto he awoke on a part bench feeling the cold wind whistling up his skirt.

He looked through the handbag he now had and found where this person lived.

He made his way back to her apartments it was not easy walking on the high heels he was wearing.

He let himself in and wished his nightmare would end and he would awaken his own body and his own bed.

He found a bottle of wine and drank until he passed out.

Ha awoke with a splitting headache feeling sick and still a woman.

There was two missed calls on her phone named work.

He must have missed a shift or two.

He dialled the number and discovered what this woman did for a living.

She was an exotic dancer exotic.

Her boss was not happy with him and demanded an explanation.

He lied and said he had had a bad night and passed out.

His boss told him to be there today on time or his pretty little ass would be fired.

He did not want to take on her job but he did not want to end up on the streets.

He looked up after the phone call the best way to get to her job.

He went through her clothes and picked out the right outfit. 

He used the toilet.

He showed which led to him fingering himself.

He had something to eat.

He dressed and packed what he thought he would need for the night and headed off to her job wishing he had taking the fat old man's body now.

As he walked there his mind started filling with weird memories.

The shops the buildings all starting looking familiar to him.

When he finally made it to the club it was like he had come home.

He walked in and said Hi to Tony not knowing how he knew the dormant name.

He walked off behind the curtain at the back of the room and headed off to the ladies changing rooms.

He slipped effortlessly out of his clothes and into his sexy outfit.

He sat down in front of her mirror and did his hair and makeup like it was something he had always done.

He was given a two-minute warning and then it was showtime.

The minute he stepped out onto the stage in front of all those men's staring at him it was like he was on autopilot.

The body he was in reacted moved and did it routine without any control from him.

He guessed some part of this woman's personality must of remained inside her brain even after the transfer of his into it.

He could not believe how sexy and beautifully felt dancing in front of all those men.

It was like a power he had never felt before.

He fought to himself maybe this life isn't so bad after all.


  1. Jeremy was go home, it was like any other day, but this time he was being followed by someone. But why was he being followed by someone, probably because he going in the same direction as he was. At that point, he ignored him, but that was the last thing, he remembered. When he woke several hours later, he wasn't sure wear he was a the moment. All he knew that he strap to a table in a basement, he thought it was a basement.
    Then a figure in medical scrubs and mask. He over and say, hello I'm glad your wake now.
    What do you want he said. To the masked man. Nothing much that you will help with my research. He said.
    How can I do that he said. Well the masked man said. You be transferred into another body. Your choice is that man or this woman. As I looked at the man, he was a bit overweight and much older than me. The woman looked somewhat younger five or seven years. Thou I'm not crazy, With either choice, I choice the young woman. When I was knocked out. When I woke up, who knows when, I felt a breeze, running up legs and skirt. What skirt, as I open my eyes. I saw that I was wear a skirt the woman, I saw before. Then I noticed a handbag next to me. So he started walking he err her place, it wasn't to far away. When he started walking in her skirt, on her high heels, he almost tripped a few times, damn heels, can they walk in them he said to himself. When he go to her place, he was surprised that she had a nice place. When he looked around to check the kitchen for something, he found out that she had small wine cabinet. So Jeremy decided to take off her shoes off him, unzip her on him, and take few shots of wine, then thought he was dreaming the whole things up that he a sleep.
    Several hours later, Jeremy was hear hearing a loud sound them he saw, her phone ringing loudly. When answered it, it was his, err her boss. Wondering why she missed or two. Jeremy had to think fast. That she had bad night wasn't feeling okay. But told that she had get to work today or tomorrow she won't worry about it have all. Which mean that she'll be fired. So said that she'll be there in a couple of hours. So Jeremy took at quick show, got something to eat. And quickly scanned her wardrobe what to wear for work, then some he no she remembered that she was a erotic dancer at club. As he put on a outfit and took her work clothes in travel bag. Jeremy quickly moved at certain direction. He was surprised this time the heels. Didn't bother him. As he walked down the streets , he felt that the street, the building, the shops look familiar to him. When he got to the place he/she work. He said hello Tony to the guy at door. And automatically went to the backstage to the dressing room were he, place his/her bags down. And he automatically stripped out his/her street clothes, and into her sexy dance outfit. He did his hair and makeup like he/she done hundreds of times. He was amazed that he could do that, it was like automatic, that Jeremy had done this before. Probably there were echo of her still there, or some kind of muscle memory. Before he could figure things out, a voice called out five minutes, then a two minutes warning was call out, then a minute later he got up to the edge of the curtains. when he was introduces. He/she automatically got to the stage, he/she started to dances automatically to the music.
    He was surprised that he could dance and move around like that. May I have some her inside of me. When the music stop her smiled at them, he/she couldn't believe the reaction. He/she got in that movement, Jeremy stopped thinking of himself as a he, that Jeremy thought herself as a she, a girl. Tiffany Elizabeth Amber Steele or Starry fire. She thought that it was so bad being a girl now. For a moment, a brief moment her thought there was someone she knew. (note that another story, and what will Tiffany Elizabeth Amber or TEA for short do , that is another story as is.)
