Monday 13 March 2023

Not even a good night kiss.

Feeling somewhat still out of place as a woman Scott carefully walk down the stairs in his pretty pink prom dress and looked at the Albert waiting to pick him up.

He still could not believe that he had let his friend Albert convince him to go to prom with him as his date.

His mother took a few embarrassing photographs of him standing next to him.

The car ride to the school prom was uneventful and nervous for both of them.

Scott found it hard to be submissive and let himself be lead in the dance.

He founded hard to talk to the other girls who were there as he has far as he knew was the only boy in a girl's body at the prom.

On the car ride home after the prom friend tried to kiss him and put his hand up his dress.

He slapped him and told him now he was not quite ready for that yet.

Scott's friend looked at him wide-eyed and said seriously you're saying no after all the effort I have gone to tonight?

I thought you would be so grateful I treated you like a woman you would at least give me a blowjob?

Scott just looked at him and said I don't know what sort of girl you think I am but I am not that sort of girl and if you don't like it you don't have to be my friend!

The rest of the car ride was taken in silence and when they got to scottshouse his date did not even get out of the car and walk into the door.


  1. Scott didn't know how or why, this happen, a few hours Scott was a normal regular high school student, that like hundreds of students both guys and girls gets ready for the prom. One friends brilliant but strange sorta guys that believe the unknown, ufo's, bigfoots, alternated worlds, or whatever. He this program that can morph into young into old, old into young, as joke morph boys into girls, and the girls into boys. Scott was surprised that he looked good as a girl. And some girls thought they looked kind cute as boys. And his warned him not go out tonight. Because of cosmic shift and the doors reality will open you may enter a certain one. I like the guy, but I thought, it was pure bunk. So, a few later he returned home, went to bed. And when he woke, when things were different, a he was a girl, actually girl, his scream girl with a nerdy touch to, then his came to door and knock and the bought in his/her prom dress and shoes, to wear. Then Scott, asked his mother, do I look different. No my dear, I admit your a bit of tomboy and a nerdy. But you are my daughter. I do love you. So agreed to dress up and be a proper girl for a while. Do mine, we could dress a little later. Of course, but we need to get you ready, for your date for the prom. After a hour or so. Scott discovered that he was born a girl Scotach, Scottie for short, it seem nearly everything was exactly the same except for a few things. Than being a girl, and going to the prom as a girl. Luck Scottie was a bit of tomboy or nerdy. So his/her mother was glad, she starting to wear dresses sometimes, that she is to embrace her girly nature. The problem that Scott and Scottie are the same person but he was a guy, and she born a girl. Plus he does know how act as a girl. Lucky Scottie didn't either. So he to act as best he could. But his/her date wanted something more than have a pretty girl to the prom. So, he was a bit horny, and Scott/Scottie gave a BJ or three. But he wanted get into his/her knickers, but he/she didn't want to. After he bought him/her home. Scott/Scottie got the car after he/she got out. He drove off. Strangely that wasn't to unpleasant. Scott has to find a way back to old life, before he/she body Her's are to affect him. Before he something else happens.

    1. I got the idea of form a tg book I bought, I don't remember the title of the book. He was going to computer show, there were several booths. one had a booth with morphing program, and he shown how he looks like a girl. And a warning that there is cosmic alliance, in the night he went to slept a guy. The next morning he woke up a girl. And his life and her life were basically the same if he was born a girl there are some different.
