Monday 21 November 2022

I hope he fucks better than the last one!

As Thomas stood there having the finishing touches apply to him makeup he could not help thinking back and how his life has changed over the past 12 months.

As a teenage boy he had always wanted to be a great actor.

He had always wanted to see his name up in lights.

The only thing that held him back from pursuing his dreams was the fact that he was not a looker and he had no acting ability.

But all that changed for him in the wake of the great shift.

He was now a attractive middle aged woman.

He signed up with every agency and went to every audition but he was turned down for every one of them.

It was only after meeting Franco at the topless bar where he was serving drinks that he he made his big break.

He gave him his first job in a movie.

It wasn't the sort of movie he had dreams about performing in when he was a young man but as a woman it's sort of tickled his fancy.


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