Sunday 9 October 2022

Taking over her : requested by Anonymous


Sarah loved nothing more than starting off her day with a bit of yoga and meditating.

It always brought peace and calm to her mind and body.

She had no idea when she was meditating she was actually leaving her body.

She only discovered she had been leaving her body when she felt and invasive force taking over her mind.

She heard a gruff male voice inside her head telling her not to fight him.

Despite all her best efforts her will was not a strong as his and he took over her body.

She had no choice but to watch as a passenger in her own body as he took over.

She could not stop herself from removing her sports bra.

She could not stop herself from squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples.

She felt a strange lust and sexual attraction inside herself as the male mind in control of her body explored how flexible her body was.

She could feel his excitement as her remove her workout pants.

He was just about to violate her body when her son shouted Mum are you home.

She felt the man inside her head access her memories.

She heard her own voice shout out I'll be down in a minute Timothy.

She heard the male voice in her head shout out trust me to pick one with a child.

She watched herself got dressed.

the male voice in her head said to her don't worry babe I can't wait to tonight to play with your pussy!

That happened six months ago to her and still to this day nobody had noticed any changes to her and she still had not found a way to get him out of her head.

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