Tuesday 11 October 2022

Great shift experience.

19-year old Benjamin sat on the cold sand.

He had no idea where he was.

He had no idea who he was.

He had no idea how this had happened.

All he did no was that he was no a woman and he was alone.

As the tide slowly crept towards him he stood up and brushed the sand off his legs.

He walked towards the car park at the edge of the beach.

He felt more frightened now then he had ever felt in his life.

He just felt vulnerable being a woman.

He saw other people in the same state of panic, distress and bewilderment as him.

That gave him a little bit of comfort knowing that he was not the only person this had happened to.

He spotted a diner off in the corner of the car park and made his way towards it.

It was empty apart from a man setting behind a table crying like a baby.

He grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge and sat down.

The cold plastic seating of the booth made him feel strange.

He lifted up the hem of the dress he was now wearing and noticed the woman was wearing NO KNICKERS!.

He stared at the hairy bush & wondered what she was doing on a beach?

He down the bottle of water and 15 minutes later regretted it when her body screamed it needed to go for a pee.

He wen to the restroom and instinctively walked into the gents.

He stepped in and ganged at the smell of stale urine that assaulted his new sensitive female nostrils.

He backed out of that smelly place wondering why he had never smelled it like that before.

Feeling slightly nervous and guilty he walked into the ladies.

He got to see what he now look like for the first time when he caught his reflection in the mirrors above the sinks.

He reached up and grabbed hold of the breast now hanging off his chest.

He moaned with pain as he did so.

He went into one of the stores.

He lock the door and put his ass on the cold seat.

He relieved himself and then had the shocking task of wiping his new lady lips which sent a shock wave through his body.

After washing his hands and staring at his new body again he walked back into the Diner and took his seat by the window.

He was glad to see the man in the corner had stop crying and had curled up and gone to sleep.

He did not know how long he sat there.

The sun had set and nightfall had settled in.

He guessed he must have drifted off because he woke up with a sudden shock as somebody shook his shoulder.

It was a female paramedic.

She was asking him his name and date of birth and gender?

He said groggily in an unfamiliar voice.

Benjamin Thompson.



She pressed the send button her walkie-talkie that was on her shoulder and said we've got another one here.

A tired looking man and walked into the diner came over to him and said you've got nothing to be scared of just come with me and we'll take you to safety.

Benjamin followed him out of the Diner to an old school bus which was filled with people.

He took a seat next to a heavily pregnant teenage girl who had tears in her eyes.

She kept on saying this cannot be happening I am a man.

After several more stops and pickups they ended up at a local rescue centre where they were sorted into categories and given name tags and labels.

He was given a jumpsuit to wear.

He had a very intimate examination.

The next 6 days went by in a whirlwind of educational classes in feminine hygiene, self-exploration of his new equipment in the showers.

On his 17th day there he was given his travel documents to return home to his family.

As he sat on the coach traveling across country he could not help wondering what would greeting when he got home?

Were his parents and his brothers and sisters still who they were when he left or were they like him?


  1. “Can you at least put some clothes dude? I don't want to see my moms naked body” I asked my former mom who has been hopped by a hobo. “No can do bud! Now just be quiet, i want to enjoy this mature woman" says the possessed mother with her big tits and her hairy pussy. Secretly the hobo was planning to steal the boy's single mother body forever.
