Saturday 10 September 2022

She picked the wrong man to steal from GS


It started about a little over 3 days ago. District Attorney Benjamin Harson. Wasn't the a bad guy, But he wasn't a sanity either, he done a few things he wasn't pride of. But it sometime to be done. Publicly he couldn't touch but he had a private side to him. He had a habit of have sex with high ended call girl had been going on for years. He sometime got lingerie had had sex with them. But sooner than later something could happen.

A young later twenty something, or thirdly something call girl called herself Lillian. Benjamin and Lillian had night wildly sex. As he woke the nearly 20 or 23 hours later., Benjamin as laid naked in her bed. Wasn't a shock. But what was a shock, he looked no he was exactly like her. Physically, biologically, genetically, he was a copy of Lillian, he even sounded like her. After the second day, some Lillian basic memories started seep in his/her head. Ben started to do thing which he/she couldn't do before. Like wear lingerie, like it was normal, like he/she done it before. Brush and style her hair. Wear dresses. Then he/she at a plan. To tried to get his body back. As Benjamin/Lilian when back to his/her former place. He/she was stop by the doorman. Like Benjamin/Lillian opened his/her long raincoat, open to reveal what she had on, underneath it. She just wearing her lingerie, garter belt, stocking, she was wear a pair opera heels that was nearly four and half inch. So the doorman so she and doorman enter a small room. And she gave him a BJ. After 10 or 15 minutes later, She got into elevator and rebuttoned her coat. She arrived to her former place. She knocked on the door. She saw her former body opened the door. And saw her former body. Standing there. Benjamin/Lillia asked that she could come. Lillia/Benjamin let her in.

Lillia/Benjamin said that she/he will not give his/her body back.

Benjamin/ Lillia said at first. I wanted my body back. After several days as a girl. I preferer it now.

Here the deal, you give one of private accounts, certain documents. you keep the rest. Okay deal she/he said. I'll be you. You will be me. Deal she said. after deal was a contract was made in case. So, what is your name. Just used Lillian now and forever she was, no is Lillian, she kissed him and gave him one last BJ.

That, moment she Lillian mind , body and soul, she will start up in a different place. She not sure that, she stay a call girl. She has a great started. Maybe she finds a nice lawyer, doctor or businessman to marry. Maybe she experiments with girls, but that is in the future. She never sex with girls, not true, not with girls as a girl. She heard that all girls are a little bi. But she been look at people. To see if she is interest in with. As she took many of the clothes she liked. As she findly left the city. Goodbye Benjamin, hello Lillia ,


  1. Thanks to great shift, a 80 years old Man, ends up in a middle aged housewife.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

