Tuesday 6 September 2022


Jason was willing to do anything to win the sales contest his boss had organised to see who got the big promotion.

So when he walked into work Monday morning he knew his skirt was a little bit too short his high heels were a little bit taller than they needed to be and his sex appeal was over the top.


  1. If I were Jason I would do the same. Well done, Jason!

  2. Jason was good at his job, really good. But the completion could be hard. But he was willing to anything to have an edge. But Jason on his off time, Jason was sometimes Jacee part time girl. Which he/she enjoyed very much. So Jason decided or pretend to hire Jacee as part time help. So, the ploy worked. Jacee sold more than the others. Because he/she dressed a little more sexier, her skirts a little shorter. Her heels were a little higher. Her makeup a little more dramatic. Jason decided to spend the entire week as Jacee. She wasn't totally over the top. But she won, Jason had return to be Jason than stay as Jacee. She like working as Jacee than Jason. Maybe she get another chance next time.
