Tuesday 19 October 2021

I hate seeing her like that: requested by Anonymous

Tony's mother Margaret was involved in a roadside accident.

She was doing 45 mph when the towns local drunk stepped out into the road.

She slammed on the brakes but still hit him.

The force of hitting the pedestrian caused her car to end up hitting a concrete bollard.

She was pronounced brain dead on arrival at the hospital.

The person who had stepped out in front of her ended up in a coma on the verge of death.

To save his life they did an emergency brain transplant.

They put his brain into the body of the woman who had hit him.

After months of rehabilitation and adjusting to his new body and gender Patrick was released from the hospital.

Margarets widow asked him to come and live with them until he got settled.

Patrick turned him down.

He rather be back on the streets free and easy.

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