Thursday 6 May 2021

Staying too long.

15-year old Michael was wondering what to do next as he played with her long blonde hair.

This was the first time he had taken over a pregnant woman.

He wondered if it would be alright to masturbate in her body or would that cause her to go into labour.

He looked at his reflection once again and said to himself if it wasn't for the baby bump she would be a cracker.

As he stood there he found himself getting turned on by her reflection.

Before he knew what he was doing he was naked laying on the floor with her fingers knuckle deep in her pussy.

He could not believe women when they were pregnant still felt horny.

He was reaching the point of climax when he felt the familiar tugging of his own mind trying to leave her body.

For the first time in his life he fought the urge to return and found himself staying in her body.

He did not know if that was a mistake and quite frankly he did not care for the moment.

But just 3 weeks 2-days 6 hours after that he knew it was.

As he found himself unable to leave her body which he now so desperately wanted to do when her water broke and he found himself going into labour.