Monday 10 May 2021

On the other side. requested by Anonymous. (Email)

 Michelle and Martin were happily married.

They had two boys Rene aged 17 & Lucas aged 15.

The two brothers never seem to get along.

They were always arguing and fighting over something.

Which disturbed there parents happiness.

One Friday night lying in bed Michelle said to Martin I wish our two boys could get along like we do.

I wish they could enjoy the peace and love we have for each other.

That night as the whole house slept silently and peacefully the strangest thing occurred to the family.

It was only when they awoke the next morning they discovered what had happened.

Somehow they had swapped bodies with each other.

Michelle swapped bodies with Rene. 

Martin swapped bodies with Lucas.

It being a Saturday nobody needed to go to school or work which was a fortunate thing.

After the panicking screaming and crying had stopped Michelle took control of the situation.

She went online to see if there was anything about this sort of thing happening.

But all she came up with was body swapping blogs and film titles.
they spent all day Saturday and all day Sunday wrapping their heads around what had happened to them.

Michelle gave there son  Rene a crash course on how to be her and the fundamentals of being a woman.

Martin gave there son Lucas a crash course on how to be him and how to do his job.

So Monday morning came around everybody knew what they were doing.

Michelle went off to college as Rene.

Rene stayed at home with a list of chores and a recipe for tonight's tea to prepare.

Martin went off to school as Lucas.

Lucas went off to his dad's job as a used car salesman.

For the first week everything was stressful for the family.

The two boys did not like their positions in their household.

They did not like having all the responsibility of their parents.

They did not like having to be the ones who were in charge.

The parents on the other hand were quite enjoying being the kids and having everything done for them.

By the end of the first month the family were resigned to their new roles in their lives and thought they would never get back to their old lives.

Michelle & Martin were so into there new lives as teenage boys that they had gotten themselves teenage girlfriends.

Which really upset Rene & Lucas.

They could not believe their parents were doing better at their lives than they had been.

They were so stressed out they raided their parents liquor cabinet.
they got completely wasted.

Which help them discover a good way of relieving stress and tension in a marriage.

Which they now did practically on a daily basis to there parents surprise.

Rene I can't believe that Dad has such a big cock!

Lucas I can't believe Mum is still so tight after having two children!


  1. Hi!
    Thanks a lot for doing the caption! So hot and wicked! Very sexy dialogue at the very ending. Very timely too, loved becoming Mommy on Mother's Day!
    Thanks! :)

  2. could you do a part 2, it's one of my favorite stories

  3. could you do a part 2, it's one of my favorite stories

  4. Part 2 pls, its one my favorites stories
