Monday 26 April 2021

Joey Fisher requested by ACE

Tony is an accountant with a very bad gambling problem.

He was at the point now where he was stealing money from his clients to pay his debt.

He was terrified when he received an audit request from Joey Fisher one of his celebrity clients.

He was terrified what would happened when she found out about the 5 million he had in embezzled up to now of her money.

He thought about running but he knew sooner or later the law or the people he owed money to would catch up with him.

So he decided to go down a more desperate route.

He hired some men to kidnap Joey Fisher.

He hired a back alley swap clinic to swap their bodies and give him her memories before wiping her mind.

He took over her life with relative ease.

While she in his body was now in a mental institute.

With no idea who she is now or who she used to be.

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