He spotted the curious looking fancy dress shop which he was sure he had never seen before on the high street.
He walked through the door.
The place looked a little bit run down and he was just about to turn to leave when an old man appeared from nowhere.
He asked Tony what was he looking for?
Tony looked at the old man and just said something special to wear for my friends big Halloween party.
Something that would get everybody talking.
Something nobody would recognise me in.
The old man pulled a nondescript suit off one of the racks and handed it to him.
He told him to go into the fitting room and try it on.
Tony whet into the dressing room pulled off his clothes and slipped on the cold feeling fabric of the suit.
it was a little bit tight and heavy.
But as he looked at himself wearing it the most miraculous thing happened to him.
His body transformed into that of Kim Kardashian.
He slipped out of the suit pulled back on his own clothes and said to the old man that is the best costume I have ever seen.
I don't know how you did it but I didn't just look like Kim Kardashian I felt like her as well.
I will take it for 2 days.
The old man wrote him out a receipt and warned him that if he did not return it by midnight on the second day there could be serious complications.
On the day of the big party he pulled the costume out of its bag.
He stood in front of his full length mirror naked.
He slipped the suit on and waited for the transformation.
After the transformation and getting used to his temporary body and all its assets he headed out to the party.
He had an incredible night.
Everybody really believed it was the real Kim Kardashian.

He got so into what he was doing that he completely forgot for a moment that he was really a man and headed upstairs with a couple of the lads.
He spent a good day and night in his temporary body exploring every aspect of pleasure so much so by the time he had come to his senses it was almost midnight on the second day and he had to really rush to get this costume back.
He ran all the way home to change but as he stood in his bedroom in front of his mirror he could not pull the suit off.
He ordered an uber to take him downtown to the fancy dress shop.
When he got there he discovered to his horror it was no longer there.
Oh wow thanks so much for this. Not a bad body to be left in XD
ReplyDeleteI now lol
DeleteI would love to have this costume. Great work!
ReplyDeleteHappy you liked it napo08