Saturday 28 March 2020

Just stuff your underpants.

Even though Rachel trusted Samuel not to cheat on her she could not stop herself from using a bit of Witchcraft on him to make sure he could not.

Samuel awoke to find  Rachel had taken more than just her suitcase on her business trip.

He could not believe she did not trust him.

He could not imagine 4 weeks with this between his legs.

He had no idea what he was supposed to do with it now he had it.

He wondered if it would change his personality and make him get in touch with his feminine side.

He wondered how he was going to hide this from all his friends and colleagues especially in the changing rooms at the gym.

He wondered if it was just the external part of this he had got or was he now all woman inside.

Image result for man with pussy

He phoned Rachel demanding that she reversed it.

She told him it could only be undone in person.

She told him it was only for 4 weeks.

She told him the only time he would have to worry is when he got mother nature's little visit.

She told him there was a box of tampons and instructions on how to use them in the bathroom cupboard for him.

She told him to enjoy the experience of what it feels like to be a woman between the legs.

She told him there was a box of toys that he might find handy in the bottom drawer of her chest of drawers next to her knickers that he could also borrow.

She told him she had to go because the plane was boarding and that she would see him in 4 weeks.

Leaving him sitting there confused by it all.

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