Sunday, 15 March 2020

I've gotta do what?.

Mark was not having such a good time.

He had just had his body stolen by the young skank he had just took into the gents for a quickie.

He let out a moan of anguish as he got himself off the floor.

Feeling like the body he was now in needed to pee he had no choice but to drop her knickers and lift up her skirt and sit down on the filthy toilet.

He could not believe how great it was to relieve himself in her body.

He noticed a piece of cotton hanging out of her vagina he pulled it out and dropped it on the floor disgusted by it.

He could not believe the body he was now in was riding the cotton pony.

He hurriedly pulled up the knickers and lowered the skirt and ran out of the toilets as fast as he could.

He staggered out of the bar & discovered the woman had also stolen his car.

Standing in the middle of the cold car park head still swimming from whatever the woman had taken to stop him chasing after her in her body & stomach in pain due to the menstrual cramps he was now experiencing he tipped out her purse to see what was in it.

He found two condoms, a lighter & a packet of cigarettes, house keys, makeup, a few bills, ID in the name of Rebecca Smith and a old note book that read on the front cover welcome to your new body.

He shoved everything into her handbag and made his way across the road to the convenience store as he felt something warm and gooey dripping down his legs knowing he was going to have to plug that leak.

He went into the convenience store and grabbed a box of tampons.

After paying for them he stormed out of the store reading the back of the box saying to himself I've gotta do what?.

He made his way back over to the bar to sort himself out before sitting down with & beer and reading the notebook which explained everything to him.