Monday 13 March 2023

Aging up Part 3: Requested by Lady Stardust.


Darren quickly discovered despite his best efforts his new body and gender would not be denied what it wanted.

So he once again found himself in the situation where he was rapidly ageing thanks to his new love of cock.

Which left him by the end of day 5 of being a woman rapidly approaching 70 years old but just as horny as before.


  1. YES! I feel like this needs one more part please :) I love this series

    1. happy knowing you like my stories & will see what I can do for you.


  2. Darren hits his age limit, and instead of dying he reverts to an Infant or prepubescent girl and now ages normally trapped in a women's life for good

  3. Awesome work as aways and I think it dose need one last part where Darren does ages more maybe to his 90s abd then realizes he's made a mistake and go searching for the witch to apologise in his old lady body . Taking pitty on Darren the witch dosent change him back but turns him back into a 40 year old milf and that becomes his new life
