Monday 21 January 2019

New career path.

First day back at work since the great shift PC Thomas now going by Tiffany was thrown in at the deep end.

He was assigned to the vice squad due to his new bodies previous inhabitant being a well-known prostitute so was no perfect cover to catch kerb crawlers.

So now dressed like a hooker he stood on the street corner waiting for the first car to pull over to avail themselves of his services.

Whilst the rest of the team waited for him to direct the man to the alleyway where they were waiting for them.


  1. what do you think of two little boys who somehow get a potion that transforms them into women

    The plan was to play touching their new bodies

    but something goes wrong with the potion and instead of making them simple and beautiful women.

    transforms them into mature whores of apparent 40 years even changing their clothes until they have put on dress, makeup, heels and jewelry.

    giving her the appearance of the whores she'll soon be.

    because before I can know what's going on.

    the new women are dominated by a great desire to leave home and find the dirtiest neighborhood in the city to sell their bodies in a corner

    where a pimp gets to see them and adds them to his prostitution team as part of his women.
