Sunday 16 September 2018

What have I done! Part 3 Requested by Lady Stardust.

Mr Robinson the PE teacher who was standing next to the stage when everybody suddenly started transforming into other people awoke to a terrible shock in a hospital bed.

Apparently he had collapsed when his body was transformed into that of a heavily pregnant woman carrying twins and due to the massive shock he had gone through they were going to induce labour the next day which gave him a lot to think about.

18-year-old Michael who found himself transformed into a famous actress could not wait to get home and get intimate with it as the way he saw things he had just gone from a skinny spotty teenage boy to a drop dead gorgeous girl which in his eyes was an upgrade.

1 comment:

  1. Michael now had to go by Michelle and she contacted the actress she now was a body double and asked if she need a body double which she did now Michelle make's 500,000 a movie when she does stand in work and she loves it.
