Sunday 9 September 2018

Finally loving what he got.

Simon was not pleased when he ended up as a pregnant girl thanks to the great shift.

There was nothing he enjoyed about being pregnant.

He did not enjoy getting bigger every day.

He did not enjoy constantly needing to pee.

He did not enjoy having to stick to a healthy diet.

He did not enjoy the mood swings & the constant medical check ups.

He was terrified finally after 8 months when his water broke and he was rushed into the delivery room.

He did not enjoy the 7 hours of labour he went through to push this thing out of him.

But the minute he held that baby in his arms something changed inside of him and he knew he would never be separated from it.

Which he never was and even now 3 months after giving birth he was still enjoying life as a mother despite all the hard work it entailed.

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