Monday 13 August 2018

Never changing back Requested by Anonymous.

Jim had always been curious to know what it would be like to be a woman.

Which did not make it any less of a surprise when he down the entire bottle of potion & saw himself after his transformation.

But he quickly adapted to everything being a woman offered.

He did not know why but he there was just something great about wearing dresses and makeup.

He found with a body like his men practically fell at his feet.

He loved the benefits of having a nice rack gave him when he went out clubbing like skipping queues, free drinks and tons of hot men drooling over him each one hoping to get into his knickers.

To him having a vagina was just a magical thing even though menstruation and the fear of getting pregnant was always in the back of your mind.

But he did not let that spoil the joy of sex and masturbation which was to him the most pleasurable point of being a woman especially when you got a partner who knew what they were doing down there and could blow your mind with orgasm after orgasm that lasted hours after the sex had ended.

Requested by Anonymous.

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