Sunday 3 June 2018

Dreams Do Come True: requested by Anonymous

James had always been slightly curious about what it would of been like if he was born a woman.

And until three nights ago that was all it was.

But after stopping two men trying to mug an old lady as she walked down the street.

Who was so grateful of his chivalrous act gave him for his reward a Vial of purple liquid.

Which she claimed would grant him his greatest design.

Before warning him to only drink half of the liquid & the effects would wear off after 3 days but drinking it all would make it irreversible.

He did not know why he took the Vial off her.

He did not know why he took it home with him. 

He did not know why he opened it and downed half of the sickly sweet liquid which made him feel sick and pass out.

But when he opened his eyes the next morning he was glad he had after the initial shock of finding himself transformed into a beautiful young female version of himself.

After exploring his apartment and finding out it wasn't just his gender that have changed for the world around him and in this reality he had always been a woman he spent the first day trying on dresses underwear and having a little bit with makeup.

But after sitting down and peeing for the first time as a woman and feeling the pleasure of water coming out of a vagina.

He decided to take a sensual shower and find out how sensitive his new body was.

Which blow his mind.

Dating as a woman was even more intense after searching his transform apartment he came across a box.

A box full of strange and wonderful toys which gave him plenty of hours of pleasure as he discovered how to turn his female body on and how to bring it to the point of climax.

Which was what made him on day 3 the last day he would be a woman unless he drank the rest of the liquid and and stayed this way forever to experience the real thing.

After showering he slept on a tiny little black dress did his best with the help of YouTube tutorial on makeup to make himself look half decent slipped into a pair of high heels and hitting one of the local bars.

Which at first made him feel really uncomfortable as he could tell practically every man in there was eyeing him up.

But as the night drew on & he got more drunk thanks to all the free drinks he kept on getting he let one man pick him up. 

He took him back to his apartment where they had crazy sloppy mind-bending drunk sex.

Which made up his mind for him and he down to the last of the purple liquid before coming back into bed for round two.

Requested by Anonymous.

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