Friday 19 January 2018

Bouncing about Request Caption

15 year old David was sick and tired of his parents always arguing and ignoring him.

He was tired of being poor & living in a trailer Park.

He did not see why he should have to study hard just so he could wined up in a dead end job.

He started skipping school and hanging out with the wrong crowd.

Which was what led him to start breaking into cars.

But when he broke into the small SUV parked outside some fancy looking office block where he stole from the glove compartment what he thought was a sat nav device as it had GEEBE on it.

It wasn't until many hours later he discovered by accident as he tryed to open it and something sharp stab him in the palm of his hand it was not a sat nav.

Which altered his brain pattern and which allowed him to leave his body using radio waves electrical cables and mobile phone receivers and transmitters & travel wherever he wanted to.

At first he did not venture far from his body sending his detached consciousness along the cables listening to other people's phone calls.

He had not thought about using it to escape his humdrum life.

But one night after a vicious argument with his father where in a fit of rage he let his mind escape his body so fast he found himself speeding along an invisible mobile phone signal which bounced him off two satellites and into the receiver and then the body of Kim Kardashian.

He had never thought about using his abilities to take over somebody else's life.

But now he was in there he was going to see how long he could stay in there.

But the longer he stayed the less he wanted to leave and before he knew it two wonderful incredible years had passed.

But when her boyfriend suggested starting a family he knew it was time to leave.

Assuming his body was probably dead without him inside it he sat down and started looking through his phone book trying to make up his mind who to become next?

Requested by shadow wolf

(government experimental emergency brainwave enhancer)

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