Sunday 25 June 2017

All worked out ok in the end

Sandra was getting sick and tired of her bosses sexist attitude.

She could not understand why he thought her gender made her dumber than him.

It was 2017 and women had equal rights but she was still being treated like a piece of eye candy.

So she decided to teach her boss a lesson and with the help of rays occult bookshop she found the perfect punishment for him.

It was an empathy spell which would teach him what struggles women went through on a day-to-day  basis.

But unbeknownst to her she miss read one of the ingredients which slightly altered the spell.

She mixed it into his morning coffee.

She stood and watched him drink it before explaining what she had just done.

She did not know what to expect from the spell but she did not expect her boss to turn into a pink glowing light and vanish.

She spent the day after phoning Ray and explaining what had happened pretending her boss did not come in.

She spent a restless night worrying what had happened to her boss.

She might not have liked him but she did not want to kill him.

So she was slightly relieved when she received a letter from him the next day in the post date stamped 1984 that explained to her what had happened to him.

Instead of teaching him what it was like to be a woman it sent him back in time to the 1960s and turned him into a female secretary which he did not quite enjoy at first until he gave up on ever getting back to his own life and gave into his boss's demands.

As she could see by the picture attached at the bottom of the letter of a happy smiling family he had really settled down into his new life and roll.

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