Wednesday 29 March 2017

Formula x y x.

Who's been eating my formula shouted an angry and pissed off Simon as he held up two bags of what look like cold scrambled eggs.

Which were in fact a very highly concentrated mixture of male and female hormones and a few other secret ingredients which combine together gave you the ability to change gender for a few hours.

Martin his best mate said by the looks of things you have.

As he and the rest of the science science ogled the gorgeous female body their friend was sporting.

Simon just looked at him and said yes I had half a bag last night of the refined stuff that gives you 24 hours of playtime.

But whoever's been eating the roar product is in serious troubls

It only lasts for 4 hours before it turns you back to your normal self.

If they only knew they would probably be laughing at his situation.

As at this moment downtown in a very posh and fancy restaurant there friend Richard was standing in the ladies bathroom in a red dress with a skimpy thong cutting into his balls & freaking out that he had just turned back into a man with the worst stomach ache he had ever had in his life.

And just to add insult to injury he had left his purse  with his cell phone in at the table with the cute hot guy who had picked him up .

So at the moment he was screwed.

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