Friday 31 March 2017

Cheating death & pissing off my family.

Mr Philip J Ballcock the chairman of the ballcock plumbing company.

Was a 90 year old man with prostate cancer.

He had three options open to him 

1. Going into a respite home and waiting for the inevitable.
2. Euthanasia.
3. A new body.

Despite his age he was not ready to die.

He could not see leaving his fortune and company to his children a bunch of spoilt brats.

Who only ever came to see him when they needed money or bailing out of trouble.

So he decided the only solution was that he would have to do it himself.

He made an appointment with the body morphing clinic to see about getting a new body.

Due to the advanced stage of his cancer they could not transform the body he had and it would take over a year to make him a clone of himself.

So he decided to take one off the rack which would do until he could get a proper body made up.

He decided he would show it off at the next board meeting when he would be informing everybody that he would be keeping control of the company for a lot longer than they thought.

He walked into the boardroom still a little bit uneasy and uncomfortable in his new body.

He stood underneath his own portrait and introduced himself to the bewildered boardroom members with a little striptease to show off his new little body.

To say the board members and his children were not happy to find out that he had cheated them out of what they thought they were going to get would be an understatement.

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