Thursday 23 February 2017

Under the freeway.

Nicola could not believe what had happened to Edward as she stared at the disheveled woman begging for change.

They tried to make it work after he became a woman in the great shift but they were just not into it and agreed to separate.

That was many months ago.

She had heard rumours that her ex-boyfriend had lost his job and apartment due to having a massive mental breakdown.

But she did not know things had gotton this bad as she just stood there staring at Edward with a tear in her eye wondering why he had not come to her for help in his time of need.

She approached him and said Edward why did you not come to me for help?

The woman just stared back with vacant eyes and said can you spare some change not recognising his ex-girlfriend.

That's when she realised he had never recovered from his mental breakdown.

She could not understand why he was living on the streets and not receiving the care he desperately needed as she tried to convince him who he used to be and who she was as she tried to encourage him to come home with her.

But it was just futile he did not know himself let alone her.

She inquired where he was staying and was shocked to find out that he was now living in a cardboard box under the freeway with the rest of the dejected human population.

She gave him $100 and walked away almost in tears not knowing what else she could do for him.

Originally published on 02.02.2016 updated today 23.02.17

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