19-year-old Alan once a promising student now just a woman trying to make ends meet sat on the floor feeling exhausted after another night of being a sexy nurse and stripper.
Alan was about 19-year-old , he once a promising student , in college with a high potential, now he is now woman who is working as a sexy stripper in sexy nurses uniform, how did this happen to him, all he knew that one night about two or three weeks , he met for one night, all he knew that Lana was speak some archaic language. All he knew that when he woke the day after, he was Lana, and Alan wasn't here, she left many, many hours , and Allan suddenly had to do her job, Allen did know or why, but he had do her , he didn't how he knew it , but he did it was like he/she on automatic pilot, he figure a day or two, he find his body and get his body, and go back to being a college student. But two became three or four, then a week then two, at first it was easy and simple, but now it feels, it was more work, He remember that she was a he, but it feels natural each day that she err he is starting to accept being a woman. Which he/she won't accept it. But she needs to works, how did she do it, that is the question.
Alan was about 19-year-old , he once a promising student , in college with a high potential, now he is now woman who is working as a sexy stripper in sexy nurses uniform, how did this happen to him, all he knew that one night about two or three weeks , he met for one night, all he knew that Lana was speak some archaic language. All he knew that when he woke the day after, he was Lana, and Alan wasn't here, she left many, many hours , and Allan suddenly had to do her job, Allen did know or why, but he had do her , he didn't how he knew it , but he did it was like he/she on automatic pilot, he figure a day or two, he find his body and get his body, and go back to being a college student. But two became three or four, then a week then two, at first it was easy and simple, but now it feels, it was more work, He remember that she was a he, but it feels natural each day that she err he is starting to accept being a woman. Which he/she won't accept it. But she needs to works, how did she do it, that is the question.