Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Guest Publication Alternative Story By Rhodry.


Now that hit the sweet spot.

Rhodry22/12/2024, 17:31

William was about 19 years old it dawned on him that he was never a guy, He never felt like one. He always felt he was a girl inside. He always felt like a girl inside, he always liked girly things, he never had the chance to grow up to wear dresses, experiment with his hair and makeup, paint his nails, develop breasts, get his period, and kiss a boy. When he was barely 13 or 14 years olds. But with special technology, that changed. Within a few weeks, William, when he was no more than Wendy, physically, biologically, mentally and emotionally, was always Wendy. It took special technology for her to herself, It took Wendy 19 years to do it. She took it like she was a natural to it, though she had her problems like going to the bathroom, she had to do things differently, but there were other things that her hormones were flowing though her now feminine body. To put it simply, she was horny. But she wasn't ready for sex with a guy, but they gave her a vibrator to help with her hormones. It helped to relieve her sexual tension, it was wonderful. Wendy couldn't wait for her first penetration with a guy. But now she had time to adjust to being a girl now. She started to experiment with what she liked and didn't like with her outfits. The question what kind of girl is Wendy. That is what Wendy exploring.

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