Tuesday 1 October 2024

I am not her

17-year-old Francis thought his life was over when he awoke in his stepmother's body with his dad's penis pushing against his soft large buttered.

He quickly rigged out of bed not wanting to wake his father and stared at his new female reflection. 

He tipped her out of the bedroom hips swinging and breasts bouncing as he did so and went down the hall to his room. 

He was shot and horrified when he saw his bed was empty and the room looked like it had been reset.

He saw a note addressed to him sitting on his dresser. 

He struggled to open it thanks to the fake nails he was now wearing. 

With a little bit of the opened it and started to read the letter inside. 

It told him this was not the first time she had borrowed his body. 

She told him that she always made sure she was back before the sleeping pills had worn off. 

But this time she was gone for good.

She told him not to bother looking for her. 

She told him not to tell his father who he really was. 

She told him the best thing for him to do was to settle down and be her. 

She told me my life was easy and not too complicated she did not have to work or she had to keep the house clean and spread her legs something she was pretty sure he could do as well as her. 

Tears formed in his eyes when he heard a familiar voice behind him. 
It was his father. 

His father said the bastards had finally left. 

Let's see how long he survives out there without Daddy's money. 

He felt his father's strong arms wrap around him and hold him tight. 

He felt his father's penis once again pushing against his buttocks which made his already moist vagina go into overdrive. 

As much as he wanted to fight it he could not.

Her body went into autopilot and before he knew what he was doing he was lying on his own bed with his leg spread white being fucked by his father for the first time but not the last. 

Even though he hated his new body his new life and his new sexual identity he knew his stepmother was right and there was no point trying to convince anybody who he really was.

They all think he is mad and will lock him away. 

So he decided to keep his mouth shut and just play his part as best as possible. 

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