Sunday 29 September 2024

What's it like being a famous woman? Requested by Josef Zápotocky

So Josef Zápotocky what was it like suddenly becoming Bojana Novakovic?

The way I see it is sometimes life just throws you a curveball and you've got to go with it.

That's what happened to me when I found myself suddenly in somebody else's body.

I will admit I was shocked surprised and terrified at first.

Suddenly becoming somebody else, especially the opposite gender was confusing and terrifying.

I was shorter I was lighter I was a lot weaker.

I now had breasts and a wet vagina.

Then this body was aching for something it turned out it needed to urinate that's when I realized I now had to sit down to pee.

I realized I would now have a period and could get paired.

I realized I would be judged differently and seen differently by everybody around me.

I did what I was told and reported my swap.

I was examined inside and out.

I was asked hundreds of questions to prove who I was.

I was sent to an education camp after my identity was confirmed.

I was taught the fundamental basics of being a woman.

How to take care of my body how to put on makeup how to do my hair how to dress walk and talk and how everything worked down.

Becoming a woman was a real eye-opener.

Life was now more complicated and expensive.

Especially when it came to my love life.

As a man, I barely got between a woman's legs at least twice a year.

Now as a woman, I was fighting men off left right and centre.

At first, I denied my new feelings and desires.

I deny the fact that I found man attracted and I craved their attention.

But it was only inevitable that I would one day have to give into my body.

I'm guessing like a lot of young girls going through puberty they wanted to lose their virginity to somebody they trusted loved and respected.

But in the end,  I got drunk allowed myself to be picked up and lost it to a stranger.

I did not feel physically different afterwards but more mentally.

It was like a new chapter of my new personality had been revealed to me.

I was a sexually active woman.

I would no longer be terrified of what it would be like to be fuck.

I had been fuck and it was uncomfortable pleasurable mind-altering and amazing all at the same time.

My advice to all of you out there who have gone through a similar change as I am is to put on something sexy head out to the local bar have some fun and always wear protection remember two minutes in a sack can leave you with a Bratt.


  1. Please could you make a story about a old man who loves to shapeshift into his neighbor's moms when the are out. In this case, he took a fine busty mom, who Wars on vacation with her family so he had plenty time for himself with this body.

  2. My ex stepdad stole my mom's body and replaced her. His body was occupied by a bodyhopper and nos he stole mom's body.

  3. Request: A dangerous criminal escapes prison gets his revenge by killing the man who puts home in the jail, stole this man's wife body and replaced her, being the Sweet Innocenti widow and single mom.
