Friday 10 May 2024

New me new job.

Anthony had always wanted to be an actor.

He had always wanted to be on the big screen.

He had always wanted to be somebody people would remember years after his death.

But he was talentless.

He could not remember his lines.

His acting coach told him there was no way he would ever become a great actor.

Then the great shift hit and everything changed for him.

He landed in the body of a beautiful young woman.

He still was talentless.

He still could not remember his lines.

He still could not act to save his life.

But none of that matters when you're a porn actress and all you have to do is lie on your back with your legs opening like a bunching.

It might not have been the sort of movies he wanted to be in when he was young but at least everybody would remember his name long after he died.

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