Tuesday 10 September 2024

Upcoming request stories:


Moving in and taking over requested by Anonymous 15.09.24

Learning respect requested by Anonymous 15.09.24

 Kateryna Winnick Requested by Josef Zápotocky 15.09.24


I am not her requested by Anonymous 22.09.24

How much did you eat? Part 2 22.09.24

Blame it on the menopause: 22.09.24

 I didn't want you to find out like this requested by Anonymous 22.09.24

You are acting strange requested by Anonymous 29.09.24

Why does it feel so good Part 2 requested by Anonymous  29.09.24 


  1. A perv old neighbor ends up in a kid's mom body thanks to the Exchange Island


  2. Story: I possess this woman during her vacation at italy. It's been a while since i wasnt in a woman's body. Her body IS a bit mature, but i think i will liking having orgasms in here. Her sons will have to accept me, as the New mom.


    1. Living the high in life and loving it requested by Anonymous 10.03.24

  3. Someone wrote an alternative story in 'This Is Not Retirement I Expected' comments section have you seen it?

  4. Hi ajanbahu this side
    I have mailed you send part of lots of stories

    1. Hi there as you can tell I've had large amounts of correspondence.
      I am slowly going through it and sending people the time the stories will be up.
      I will reply to your emails when I get a date for your stories.


    2. Ok actually it's been more couple months I guess, if you don't mind can you check the mail sent by me once and allocate them dates, if possible I can send you a story or multi part story every week

  5. Hi ajanbahu this side
    I have mailed you send part of lots of stories

    1. Hi there as you can tell I've had large amounts of correspondence.
      I am slowly going through it and sending people the time the stories will be up.
      I will reply to your emails when I get a date for your stories.


    2. In my son's girlfriend's body Part 3 Requested by Ajanbahu 11.02.24

    3. Hi Alan there are other stories as well shared by me over mail mostly second parts can you tell me timeline for that

  6. Hi, could you accept this story?

    A troll shapeshifts into a woman and steals her life. Her son behind to suspect his mom was acting weird, but every time he is close to Discover the truth, the troll "mom" esses his memory, making him believe "she" is his mom. The real mom is trapped by the imposter.


    Troll "mom": the imposter


    1. *erases his memory

    2. Something not quite right with mother requested by Anonymous 05.05.24

  7. Hi, could i make a request?

    It's about a old scientist he made a Teleporter machine, his original body is destroyed but his soul split in two bodies, his neighbor's mom and her boyfriend. His prime host was this woman. He never had a child, but now has the chance to start over a new life with this woman's body.

    First time, new home and bodies

    Fun with amazing milf body


  8. I put this request in back in march, i think you accidently looked over it, can you please add it you your list?

    RJ28/03/2024, 03:27
    RJ is moving from northern US to Hawaii this summer he's happy to get out of the cold and experience island life, What he doesn't know is his body will change more than he thinks.

    1. Can you make captions about politics please


    2. Where for example republicans swap with democrats or latino or blacks to be aware of their privileges.

  9. Hello I’ve made this request previously, probably a couple of times and a few months ago. Can you make a series or single caption with a story about a A college student is in fear bc his gf signed up for swap class and the matches she’ll be with are perverts. he promises to pay his best friend to sign up for swap class. After coming up short on the money promised and breathing down his new gfs neck. The friend decideds he can get money through live exhibition performances and with their other friends around.

  10. My birthday is coming up and I would like to experience what it’s like to go out as a woman. Also as a bonus I would like to k is what it feels like when I’m penetrated as a woman.
