Friday 6 October 2023

What's going on requested by anonymous

55-year-old  down and out Anthony did not know what the coin was when it was put in his cup.

He looked at it for a few seconds thinking it was worthless and would not get him a bottle tonight.

Then the strangest thing happened to him.

He suddenly felt a strange energy envelope his body and the next second he found himself somewhere completely different.

His legs went from underneath him.

He felt small delicate and slightly frightened.

Everything around him look big and out of place.

He got himself back onto his feet and found a strange Breeze.

He looked down and saw two little breasts pointing out of a blouse and a skirt.

She left out a girly squall terror.

He thought he had been drinking too much mess.

This could not be real.

He felt like he needed a drink and read the house to find a bottle.

over the next 3 hours  he got quite drunk.

it became more and more real to him.

The next day feeling sick and slightly hungover  and still in the clothes he was wearing the day before he headed out back down to the bridge where he had lived for years.

He extremely vulnerable and frightened.

He was knowing teenage girl wearing a skirt around a lot of dirty old men.

He ignored the wolf whistles from the other down and out and headed to his box.

He was hoping to find his body with this  teenage girl in it.

But it was empty apart from his dirty old belongings.

He convinced some of his so-called drunk friends who he was.

He brought them back to this girl's house where they got drunk.

Everything was going smoothly until this girl's boyfriend finally got home.

Samantha what the hell is going on?

Have you been drinking and smoking again?

Who are all these men?


  1. Perv Spirit finds his new host as a mom during a yoga solo.


    1. thank you for getting in touch
      I will work on that shortly.

