Monday 23 October 2023

Sometimes you just have to treat yourself

Sydney surprised everybody when he announced he was becoming a woman.

They had no idea this womanising man wanted to be a woman.

3 weeks after he announced the news to his family and friends he went after the local body swap auction.

There was a body hope for sale that he had his eye on.

She was young.

She was beautiful.

She was blonde.

When he returned from the body swap auction with his purchase.


  1. Could you make a story that a old shapeshifter Wizard, increases his powers in halloween. And he needs to find a new body. He waits a family move out to another country, to shapeshift and Morph into their beautiful mom and have fun with his new body and identity alone in his house.

    1. thank you for getting in touch
      I will work on that shortly.

